common problems and solutions during inspection

Inspection is the daily work of every inspector. It seems that inspection is very simple, but it is not so. In addition to a lot of accumulated experience and knowledge, it also requires a lot of practice. What are the common problems in the inspection process that you did not pay attention to when inspecting the goods? If you want to become a high-quality inspector, please read these contents carefully.
Before inspection
The customer requests to take pictures of the factory entrance and the name of the factory after arriving at the factory. It should be taken after arriving at the factory but before entering the factory to prevent forgetting! If the address and name of the factory do not match those on the customer’s BOOKING, the customer shall be notified in time, and the photos shall be taken and recorded on the report; the old photos of the factory gate and the name of the factory shall not be used.
Product Defect Judgment List (DCL) for reference comparison of inspection and testing requirements; REVIEW CHECKLIST content before inspection, and basic understanding of its main points.

On the packaging materials of the product, such as plastic bags or color boxes, etc., but the product of the reference sample does not have any confirmation marks, the STICKER should be pasted on an obvious position for identification before the inspection, so as to avoid mixing the reference sample and the product during the inspection. It is confusing and cannot be retrieved during comparison; when naming the photos, state the position of REF., such as left/right, and the reference sample should be resealed after inspection to avoid factory replacement.


After arriving at the inspection point, it is found that the factory has prepared two boxes of each product for the inspector to use for data comparison and inspection. The factory should be notified in time to take away the prepared products, and then go to the warehouse to count and draw boxes for inspection. test. (Because the product prepared by the factory may be inconsistent with the bulk product, including the logo, etc.); the sample for comparison must be taken from the bulk stock, and not only for one.

5. RE-INSPECTION LOT, carefully check whether the quantity of the product is 100% completed and fully packaged before the inspection. If the quantity is not enough, the actual production situation should be traced and the company or customer should be informed truthfully. Inquire whether it is possible to conduct an inspection first and record it in the report; confirm whether it is reworked, such as double-layer tape on the sealing

6. After arriving at the factory, if the factory fails to complete and meet customer or inspection requirements (100% READY, AT LEAST 80% PACKED). After communicating with the customer, request a short inspection (MISSING INSPECTION). The inspector should ask the person in charge of the factory to sign the empty inspection strip, and at the same time explain the requirements for the empty inspection;
7. When the light at the inspection point is insufficient, the factory should be required to make improvements before continuing the inspection;

Inspectors should be careful about the environment of the inspection point and whether it is suitable for inspection. The inspection point is next to the warehouse, and the ground is full of garbage and dirt, which causes the ground to be uneven. If the inspection is carried out in these environments, it is very unprofessional and will affect test result. The factory should be required to provide a suitable place for inspection, the light should be sufficient, the ground should be firm, flat, clean, etc., otherwise defects such as deformation of the product (flush toilet) and uneven bottom (WOBBLE) cannot be found out; in the photos, sometimes there are Found cigarette butts, water traces, etc.
At the inspection point, the use of all labels should be monitored on site. If they are taken away by the factory and used for irregular purposes, the consequences will be serious. The labeling tape must be controlled in the hands of the inspector, especially the customer who needs to seal the box must not stay in the factory. 
During the inspection process, the customer/Supplier’s information should not be seen by the factory, especially the price of the product and other important information inspection The bag of the staff should be carried with you, and the important content in the information, such as the price, should be painted out with a (MARK) pen.
Cunting, box picking, and sampling 
When counting boxes, if the customer requests to take pictures of the storage conditions and methods in the warehouse, you should bring a camera to the warehouse to take pictures before picking boxes; it is best to take photos for archiving. 
Be careful when counting boxes Compare the box marks and logos of the products inspected by the customer. Check if there is any printing error to avoid wrong inspection of goods; observe whether the box mark and logo are the same when picking out the box, and avoid missing the problem.

When only checking the information for one box. , damaged or water-stained, etc., some boxes should be selected for inspection of the products inside, photographed and recorded in the report, and not only good boxes should be selected for inspection;

4.  Random selection should be taken when picking boxes. The whole batch of product boxes should have the opportunity to be drawn, not just the product boxes on the periphery and top of the pile head; if there is a tail box, special inspection is required


5.The pumping box should be calculated according to the customer’s requirements, the square root of the total number of boxes, and individual customers require the square root to be multiplied by 2 to calculate the pumping box. The product box for re-inspection must be the square root multiplied by 2, and no less can be drawn; at least 5 boxes are drawn.

6. During the process of box extraction, attention should be paid to supervising the operation of factory assistants to prevent the extracted box from being replaced or taken away during the process; if the inspection site is in another place, it should be taken with the box being drawn regardless of whether the box is always there In your sight, every smoked box must be stamped.

7. After the boxes are drawn, check the packaging conditions of all the boxes, whether there is any deformation, damage, damp, etc., and whether the labels on the outside of the boxes (including logistics barcode labels) are sufficient and correct. These packaging deficiencies should also be photographed and documented on the report; pay special attention to stacking lower boxes.

8. Sampling should be taken immediately in each box, and the products on the top, middle, and bottom of the box should be taken. It is not allowed to take only one inner box from each box for sampling inspection. All inner boxes should be opened to confirm the product and quantity at the same time. Sampling; do not allow the factory to take samples, it should be carried out under visual supervision, no less sampling, and random sampling in each sampling box, not just one box.


9. The factory failed to complete 100% product packaging, and some of the completed but unpackaged products also need to be selected for inspection; the product must be 100% completed, and more than 80% should be boxed. 10. Some customers require labels on the box or sampling Or affix the seal, it should be operated according to the customer’s requirements. If the factory personnel are required to assist in sticking the STICKER on the box or the plastic bag for sampling, the number of STICKER should be counted (not more) before being handed over to the assisting personnel. Labeling. After labeling, the inspector should check all the boxes or sampling labeling conditions, whether there is any missing labeling or the position of the labeling is incorrect, etc.;

During the inspection
1. During the inspection, the inspection shall be carried out step by step according to the inspection procedure, the inspection shall be carried out first, and then the on-site test shall be carried out (because the products which are found to have an impact on safety during the inspection can be used for safety testing); the test samples shall be randomly selected, should not be smoked in a box.

2. Before using the factory’s measuring and testing tools (equipment), check the status of the calibration mark and the effective use of the standard, graduation and accuracy, etc., and record them in detail on the form; ask the factory for For the authentication certificate, take a picture and send it to OFFICE, or send the copy to OFFICE together with the handwritten report.

3.Whether there are any pollutants (such as insects, hair, etc.) on the product can be handed over to the factory personnel to unpack for inspection; especially for those packed in plastic bags or shrink film, the packaging should be checked first before unpacking.
4. During inspection, The customer’s reference sample should be placed in a conspicuous place for comparison at any time;

5. After picking up boxes at the factory, the lunch time of the factory should be counted when starting the inspection, and the number of boxes that can be inspected should be opened as much as possible. Open all the drawers to avoid repacking and sealing the products that have been opened but not inspected before lunch, resulting in waste of materials, manpower and time;

6. Before lunch, you should re-seal the products that have been sampled but not inspected and the defective samples to prevent replacement or loss; you can do a magic stack (it is not easy to restore after being removed) and take pictures as a souvenir.

7. After lunch When returning home, check the seals of all the boxes before asking the factory personnel to open the boxes for sampling inspection;

8. During the inspection, feel the softness and hardness of the product material by hand and compare it with the reference sample, and if there is any difference The actual situation should be reflected in the report;

9. Careful attention should be paid to the inspection and use requirements of the product during inspection, especially in terms of function, and the focus should not only be on the appearance inspection of the product; the normal function in the report should indicate the content;

10. Product packaging When the quantity and size of the product are printed on the product, it should be carefully counted and measured. If there is any difference, it should be clearly marked on the report and photographed; even if the information on the sales package is consistent with the sample, it should be different from the actual product. Remarks inform the customer;
The marking on the product is inconsistent with the same sample, so the product and the same sample should be put together to take a comparison picture, paste a red arrow mark on the difference, and then take a close-up of each (indicate which is the product and sample, and the illustrations are best side by side Put together, there is an intuitive comparison;
The bad defects found during the inspection should not just be pasted with red arrows and put aside, but should be taken in time and original records should be taken to prevent loss;

13.When inspecting packaged products, they should be inspected one by one. It is not allowed to require the factory personnel to open all the sampling packages at the same time, resulting in chaotic stacking of products, which cannot be matched for inspection, causing the factory to complain about the results, because a set of products can only calculate the most Serious defects; only one most serious defect can be counted for a set of products. Important products (such as furniture) record all DEFFECTS, but AQL only records one of the most serious.

14. During product inspection, if any defective defects are found, the inspection of other parts should continue, and more serious defects may be found (don’t stop inspecting other parts as soon as a slight defective defect, such as a thread end, is found);

In addition to visual appearance inspection of sewn products, all stressed positions and return stitch positions must be pulled lightly to check the sewing firmness;
16. For the cotton cutting test of plush toys, all the cotton in the toy should be taken out to check for pollutants (including metal, wood thorns, hard plastics, insects, blood, glass, etc.) and moisture, odor, etc., not just Just take some cotton out and take pictures; for battery-operated TRY ME TOYS, you should not only check its TRY ME function during inspection, but should conduct a comprehensive functional inspection according to product specifications and reference samples; requirements: battery products, when the battery is reversed and tested , and try it again (must be the same one). Steps: front installation – function – ok, reverse installation – no function – ok, front installation – function – ok / no function – NC (must be the same product);                            17. The assembly test of the assembled product should be carried out by the inspector himself according to the product assembly instruction , check whether the product is easy to assemble, not all assembly tests are performed by factory technicians, if factory personnel are required to assist in assembly, it should be carried out under the visual supervision of inspectors; the first set must strictly follow the instructions and do it yourself.

During the inspection, if a product (such as a sharp edge, etc.) with key safety defects is found, it should be photographed and recorded immediately and the defect sample should be properly preserved.

The customer’s LOGO is printed on the product, such as “XXXX” pad printing, and special care should be taken during inspection to check the pad printing process (this is the customer’s trademark – representing the customer’s Image, if the pad printing is bad, it should be reflected in the defect in the report and take a photo) Because the product area is relatively small, it cannot be inspected at a distance of one arm during inspection, and visual inspection should be performed at a closer distance; 
The importing country of the product is France, but the assembly manual of the product is only printed in English, so special care should be taken during inspection; the text should conform to the language of the importing country. CANADA must have both English and French.

(Flush toilet) When two products of different styles are found in the same inspection batch, the actual situation should be traced back, detailed records and photos are taken to inform the customer (the reason is that during the last inspection, due to the craftsmanship If the defect exceeds the standard and the product is returned, the factory will replace some of the old goods in the warehouse (about 15%), but the style is obviously different; the same inspection, the product should be the same, such as style, color and luster.
The customer requested that the X’MAS TREE product be tested for stability, and the standard is that the 12-degree inclined platform cannot be overturned in any direction. However, the 12-degree inclined table provided by the factory is actually only 8 degrees, so special care should be taken during the inspection, and the actual slope should be measured first. If there is any difference, the stability test can only be started after the factory is required to make appropriate improvements. Tell the customer the actual situation in the report; a simple on-site appraisal should be done before using the equipment provided by the factory;

23.The customer requires a stability test for the X’MAS TREE product inspection. The standard is that the 12-degree inclined platform cannot be overturned in any direction. However, the 12-degree inclined table provided by the factory is actually only 8 degrees, so special care should be taken during the inspection, and the actual slope should be measured first. If there is any difference, the stability test can only be started after the factory is required to make appropriate improvements. Tell the customer the actual situation in the report; a simple on-site identification should be done before using the equipment provided by the factory. The bell should automatically go out) before the test, the inspector should carefully check whether the environment of the test point is safe, whether the fire protection equipment is effective and sufficient, etc. 1-2 TIPS should be randomly picked from the Christmas tree before ignition test can be done under proper conditions. (There are too many sundries and flammable materials at the inspection point. If you accidentally do the TIPS combustion test on the whole Christmas tree or the product cannot be extinguished automatically, the consequences will be very serious); pay attention to the safety of the environment, all Actions at the factory must comply with factory requirements

24. The outer box of the product packaging is larger than the actual size, and there is a space with a height of 9cm inside. The product may move, collide, scratch, etc. due to the large space during transportation. The factory should be required to make improvements or take pictures and record the situation in the report to tell the customer; take pictures and REMARK on the report ;
25.CTN.DROP The drop test of the product box should be FREE DROP free fall without external force; Carton drop test is Free fall, one point, three sides, six sides, a total of 10 times, the drop height is related to the weight of the box;                                                                                    

26. Before and after the CTN.DROP test, the condition and function of the product in the box should be checked; 27. The inspection should be firmly based on the customer’s inspection Requirements and tests, all samples must be inspected (for example, if the customer requires a functional test SAMPLE SIZE: 32, you can’t just test 5PCS, but write: 32 on the report);

28. The packaging of the product is also a part of the product (such as PVC SNAP BUTTON BAG and WITH HANDLE AND LOCK PLASTIC BOX), and the process and function of these packaging materials should also be carefully checked during inspection;

29. The logo on the product packaging should be carefully checked during inspection Whether the description is correct, such as the product printed on the hanging card is operated by 2×1.5VAAA LR3) batteries, but the actual product is operated by 2×1.5VAAA LR6) batteries, these printing errors can cause misleading customers. It should be noted on the report to tell the customer; If the product is equipped with batteries: voltage, production date (not exceeding half of the validity period), appearance size (diameter, total length, diameter of protrusions, length), if not equipped with batteries, batteries from the corresponding country should be used for testing Test;

30. For plastic film shrink packaging and blister card packaging products, all samples should be disassembled for product quality inspection during inspection (unless the customer has special requirements). If there is no disassembly of these packaging materials, the inspection is a destructive inspection ( The factory should prepare more packaging materials for repackaging), because the actual product quality, including functions, etc. cannot be inspected without unpacking (should firmly explain the inspection requirements to the factory); if the factory firmly disagrees, it must be informed in time OFFICE

The judgment of defects should be firmly based on the customer’s DCL or defect judgment list as the standard, and key safety defects should not be written as serious defects at will, and serious defects should be judged as minor defects;
Compare products with customer reference samples (style, color, usage materials, etc.) should pay special attention to the comparison, and all non-conforming points should be photographed and recorded on the report;
During product inspection, in addition to visually inspecting the appearance and craftsmanship of the product, you should also touch the product with your hands at the same time to check whether the product has There are safety defects such as sharp edges and sharp edges; some products are better to wear thin gloves to avoid leaving marks Correct; pay attention to the customer’s requirements for the date format.

34.f the customer requires the date of manufacture (DATE CODE) to be marked on the product or package, be careful to check whether it is sufficient and the date is correct; pay attention to the customer’s request for the date format;

35. When the product is found to have a defective defect, the position and size of the defect on the product should be carefully indicated. When taking pictures, it is best to use a small iron ruler next to it for comparison;

36. Customer When it is required to check the gross weight of the outer box of the product, the inspector should perform the operation himself, instead of just asking the factory personnel to name and report the gross weight (if the actual weight difference is large, it will easily cause customers to complain); conventional requirements +/- 5 %

It is important to take pictures during the inspection process. When taking pictures, you should always check the condition of the camera and the quality of the photos. If there is any problem, you should deal with it in time or retake it. Don’t find out about the camera problem after completing the report. Sometimes the photos you took before don’t exist, and sometimes you can’t retake them. Photographed (for example, the defective sample factory has been reworked, etc.); the date of the camera is set correctly in advance;
The plastic bag used for packaging baby products has no warning signs or air holes, and should be photographed and noted on the report (there is no such thing as the customer did not request !); Opening circumference is greater than 38CM, bag depth is greater than 10CM, thickness is less than 0.038MM, air hole requirements: In any area of 30MMX30MM, the total area of  the hole is not less than 1%

39. During the inspection process, poor storage should be carefully controlled Defect samples should not be inspected by factory personnel at will to prevent loss;
40. During the inspection, all on-site product tests required by the customer should be performed by the inspector himself according to the standard or customer requirements, and the factory personnel should not be asked to do it for him, unless there may be a risk of hazards during the test and there is no suitable and sufficient At this time, the factory personnel can be asked to assist in testing under visual supervision;

41. During product inspection, be careful about the judgment of bad defects, and do not make excessive (OVERDONE) requirements. (Some very slight defects, such as thread ends less than 1cm in the inconspicuous position inside the product, small indentations and small color spots that are not easy to detect at an arm’s length away, and have no effect on product sales, can be reported to the factory for improvement, (unless the customer requires Very strict, there are special requirements), it is not necessary to judge these small defects as appearance defects, which are easy to be complained by the factory and customers; after the inspection, the inspection results should be explained to the on-site representative of the supplier/factory (especially AQL, REMARK)

After inspection
AVON ORDER: All boxes should be resealed (a label on the top and bottom) CARREFOUR: All boxes should be marked
The key point of inspection is to compare the style, material, color and size of the customer’s reference sample Whether it is consistent or not, you cannot write “CONFORMED” on the report without comparing the customer’s product specifications and reference samples! The risk is very high; the sample is to refer to the style, material, color and size of the product. If there are defects, which are also on the sample, it should be displayed on the report. It cannot be conform to ref. sample and leave it at that


Post time: Feb-17-2023

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