CPC certification has been audited, but why? 6 big questions and 5 key points

Question 1: What is the reason why Amazon CPC certification has not been passed?

1. The SKU information does not match;

2. The certification standards and products do not match;
3. The US importer information is missing;
4. The laboratory information does not match or is not recognized;
5. The product editing page does not fill in the CPSIA warning field (if The product contains parts);
6. The product lacks safety information, or a compliance mark (traceable source code).


Question 2: How to apply for Amazon CPC certification?

Amazon CPC certification mainly includes product consultation – application for certification – sample delivery test – certificate/draft report – official certificate/report. What should be paid attention to in the whole process? The main points are as follows:

1. Find the right laboratory and find the right person: Confirm that the laboratory is authorized by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) of the United States, and the certificate issued is recognized. At present, there are many domestic laboratories with authorization, and you can also check the official website. At the same time, it is necessary to find the right person. Although some institutions have qualifications and experience, their customer service attitude and professionalism depend on luck. Therefore, it is the correct solution to find a business person who is serious and responsible for customers. Some business personnel only want to make money, and they do nothing when they receive money, or shirk their responsibilities. Selecting serious and responsible business personnel can also assist in smoother forensics.

2. Determine product testing standards: It is very important whether the testing items are complete. According to the testing report of direct export of traditional trade, the testing requirements for products on the Amazon platform are different. Therefore, the seller is not clear about the testing, and only listens to the recommendation of the laboratory business personnel, and does some and some not. In fact, the results will never pass the audit. For example, the test standards for children’s clothing include: CPSIA total lead + phthalates + 16 CFR Part 1501 small parts + 16 CFR Part 1610 clothing textile combustion performance + 6 CFR Part 1615 children’s pajamas combustion performance + 16 CFR Part 1616, none of these standards are missing No, sometimes Amazon’s review is very strict.

3. U.S. importer information: When the CPC certificate was first required, it was said that the U.S. importer information was required, but the actual implementation was not strict. For general certificates, this column is basically fictitious. Since the beginning of this year, Amazon’s scrutiny has become more and more strict, making sellers have to pay attention. However, some customers themselves have US importer information, which can be written directly on the certificate, and some sellers do not. What should I do? At this time, the United States is needed. It is simply understood that it is the agent (or factory) of the Chinese seller in the United States. Now the general third-party organization has the United States service, but it needs to increase some costs, which is also easier to solve.

4. Strictly follow the format requirements: Now, all products under the category of children need to apply for CPC certification. In addition to the test report, a CPC certificate is also provided. Of course, you can issue it yourself, or you can find a laboratory to issue it. Amazon’s regulations have clearly given the format and requirements. If the requirements are not followed, the review is likely to fail. It is recommended that everyone find the regulations by themselves, or find a laboratory to issue them, and do not want to be imaginative.

5. Rectification according to Amazon’s feedback: If the above is done, it still fails. The most direct way is to deal with it according to Amazon’s feedback. For example, is the information provided to the laboratory inconsistent, and the account name, manufacturer name, product name, product model and background information do not correspond? Some merchants missed a letter in the submitted information, but there are also some cases. Previously, the products made by customers are applicable to the age range: 1~6 years old, and the CPC certificate and report made are only applicable to 1~6 years old, but the product information of 6~12 years old is also added when uploading to Amazon, resulting in Multiple audits failed. Later, after repeated confirmation, it was found that the problem did not lie in the test report or certificate. Therefore, strictly following Amazon’s regulations, it is necessary for sellers to pay attention.

Post time: Aug-25-2022

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