Export to India-24 kinds of footwear are mandatory to implement Indian BIS certification

India is the world’s second largest producer and consumer of footwear. From 2021 to 2022, the sales of the Indian footwear market will achieve another 20% growth. In order to unify product regulatory standards and requirements and ensure product quality and safety, India began to implement a product certification system in 1955. All products included in the compulsory certification must obtain a product certification certificate according to the Indian product standard before entering the market.


The Indian government announced that starting from July 1, 2023, the following 24 types of footwear products will require mandatory Indian BIS certification:

1. Industrial and protective rubber knee and ankle boots

2. All rubber gum boots and ankle boots

3. Molded solid rubber soles and heels

4. Rubber microcellular sheets for soles and heels

5. Solid PVC soles and heels

6.PVC sandals

7. Rubber Hawai Chappal

8. Slipper, rubber

9. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) industrial boots

10. Polyurethane sole, semirigid Polyurethane sole, semirigid

11. Unlined molded rubber boots Unlined molded rubber boots

12. Molded plastic boots. Molded plastics footwear- Lined or Unlined polyurethane boots for general industrial use

13. Footwear for men and women for municipal scavenging work

14. Leather safety boots and shoes for miners

15. Leather safety boots and shoes for heavy metal industries

16. Canvas Shoes Rubber Sole

17. Canvas Boots Rubber Sole

18. Safety Rubber Canvas Boots for Miners

19. Leather safety footwear having direct molded rubber sole

20. Leather safety footwear with direct molded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sole

21.Sports footwear

22.PU High ankle tactical boots with PU – Rubber sole

23. Antiriot shoes

1.Derby shoes Derby shoes

“India BIS Certification Bureau of Indian Standards BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) is the competent authority for standardization and verification in India. It is specifically responsible for product verification and is also the certification body for BIS verification. BIS requires home appliances, IT/telecom and other products to comply with BIS security For imports of products that fall within the scope of 109 mandatory import verification products of the Bureau of Indian Standards, foreign manufacturers or Indian importers must first apply to the Bureau of Indian Standards for an imported product verification certificate, and the customs will release the imported goods based on the verification certificate, such as Electric heating appliances, insulating and fireproof electrical materials, electric meters, multi-purpose dry batteries, X-ray equipment, etc., are compulsory verification.

Post time: Sep-06-2023

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