How to choose a ceramic tea cup

Choosing a good teacup will give the tea a different taste, and it will also look different visually. A good teacup should be able to bring out the color of the tea, be able to be placed stably on the table, fit the style of the tea party, and not be hot to the touch. , convenient for drinking tea, etc. In addition to these, what are the characteristics of a good porcelain cup?


White porcelain from Jingdezhen is the most famous, while celadon tea cups are mainly produced in Zhejiang, Sichuan and other places. Longquan celadon from Longquan County in southwest Zhejiang is especially famous. Longquan celadon is famous for its simple and strong shape and jade-like glaze color. In addition, there are black porcelain teacups produced in Sichuan, Zhejiang and other places, and antique and distressed teacups produced in Guangdong and other places, all with their own characteristics.

Porcelain has a clear sound and a long rhyme. Most porcelain is white and is fired at about 1300 degrees. It can reflect the color of the tea soup. It has moderate heat transfer and heat preservation. It will not react chemically with the tea. Brewing tea can obtain better color and aroma. , and the shape is beautiful and exquisite, suitable for brewing lightly fermented tea with strong aroma, such as Wenshan Baozhong tea.

Choosing a tea cup can be summarized into the "four-character formula", namely "see", "listen", "compare" and "try".

1."Looking" means to carefully observe the top, bottom and inside of the porcelain:

First, check whether the glaze of the porcelain is smooth and smooth, with or without scratches, holes, black spots and bubbles; second, whether the shape is regular and deformed; third, whether the picture is damaged; fourth, whether the bottom is flat and must be placed stably without any defects. glitch.


2."Listen" means to listen to the sound made when the porcelain is gently tapped:

If the sound is crisp and pleasant, it means that the porcelain body is fine and dense without cracks. When fired at high temperature, the porcelain is completely transformed.
If the sound is hoarse, it can be concluded that the porcelain body is cracked or the porcelain is incomplete. This type of porcelain is prone to cracking due to changes in cold and heat.

3."Bi" means comparison:

For matching porcelain, compare the accessories to see if their shapes and screen decorations are consistent. Especially for complete sets of blue and white or exquisite blue and white porcelain, because the color of blue and white changes with different firing temperatures, the same blue and white porcelain can have dark or light colors. A complete set of several or even dozens of cold porcelain, such as each piece There are obvious differences in the color of blue and white.

4."Testing" means trying to cover, try to install, and test:

Some porcelain has a lid, and some porcelain is composed of several components. When choosing porcelain, don't forget to try the lid on and assemble the components to see if they fit. In addition, some porcelain has special functions, such as the Dripping Guanyin, which can automatically drip water; the Kowloon Justice Cup, when the wine is filled to a certain position, all light will leak. So test it to see if it functions properly.

Common guidelines for choosing a tea cup

The function of a teacup is for drinking tea, which requires that it is not hot to hold and is convenient for sipping. The shapes of cups are rich and diverse, and their practical feelings are also different. Below, we will introduce the commonly used guidelines for selection.

1. Cup mouth: The cup mouth needs to be flat. You can place it upside down on a flat plate, hold the bottom of the cup with two fingers and rotate it left and right. If it makes a knocking sound, the cup mouth is uneven, otherwise it is flat. Generally, flip-top cups are easier to handle than straight-mouth cups and closed-mouth cups, and are less likely to burn your hands.

2. Cup body: You can drink all the tea soup from a cup with a cup without raising your head, you can drink it with a straight mouth cup by raising your head, and you have to raise your head with a cup with a closed mouth. You can choose according to your preference.

3. Cup bottom: The selection method is the same as the cup mouth, which needs to be flat.

4. Size: Match the teapot. A small pot should be paired with a small cup with a water capacity of 20 to 50 ml. It is not suitable if it is too small or too large. A large teapot should be paired with a large cup with a capacity of 100 to 150 ml for both drinking and thirst quenching. dual function.

5. Color: The outside of the cup should be consistent with the color of the pot. The color on the inside has a great influence on the color of the tea soup. In order to see the true color of the tea soup, it is advisable to use a white inner wall. Sometimes, in order to increase the visual effect, some special colors can also be used. For example, celadon can help the green tea soup to be "yellow with green" effect, and tooth-white porcelain can make the orange-red tea soup more delicate.

6. Number of cups: Generally, cups are equipped with an even number. When purchasing a complete set of tea sets, you can fill the pot with water and then pour it into the cups one by one to test whether they match.

One pot and one cup is suitable for sitting alone, drinking tea and comprehending life; one pot and three cups is suitable for one or two close friends to cook tea and talk at night; one pot and five cups is suitable for relatives and friends to gather together, have tea and relax; if there are more people, it is better to use several sets The teapot or simply brewing tea in a large vat will be enjoyable.

Post time: May-31-2024

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