Knowledge sharing on WERCS certification for foreign trade exports to the United States: What does WERCS certification mean, the registration process and required documents for products entering the WERCSmart supermarket in the United States

1、What does WERCS certification mean?

WERCSmart is a supply chain security management system designed and developed by The WERCS company in the United States, aimed at large and medium-sized retailers. It can achieve unified and effective management of a large supplier network and products; Conduct safety assessments on the target and existing products for easy screening.

Wercs registration is a product evaluation system. Wercs itself is a database company. Now Wal Mart, TESCO Group and other giant supermarkets have been cooperating with it. The purpose is to require upstream suppliers to input their product information into the system for evaluation by the system, so that downstream can grasp hazard information in a timely manner.

WERCS certification is a product certification that allows products to enter large supermarkets and retailers in countries such as the United States and Canada.

In essence, WERCS is a database company. Now Wal Mart, TESCO Group and other giant supermarkets have been cooperating with WERCS to require upstream suppliers to submit their product information to the system, which will be evaluated by the system so that the downstream can grasp the hazard information in a timely manner. It is a leading global supplier of green supply chain systems and software related to chemical regulations. The software package it provides has played an important role in helping customers manage product information and transmit hazard information.

2、Changes in WERCSmart registration system required for products entering US supermarkets

Changes in WERCSmart registration system required for products entering US supermarkets

registrations processed through WERCSmart are formulated products. Unfortunately, since the 3rd party formula option was the first listedunder registration options, many customers were submitting registration datathat wasn’t actually a product.

With this release, the Formulated Productoption will be moved to the top of the listing, ensuring that the majority ofregistrations are set up properly from the start.

Auto-Recertification Notice

Customers trying to forward an existingregistration to a new retailer, or attempting to update UPCs on an existingregistration, may encounter auto-recertification.

This feature was put into WERCSmart inApril 2015 originally and the purpose of this feature is to ensure the data ismaintained and current.

When auto-recertification is prompted,customers receive a pop-up message which explains the various recertificationmay be happening, and at the bottom of this message was detailed information asto why the specific registration is needing to be updated. This specific information is under the “ErrorReport” heading within the pop-up.

The pop-up for auto-recertification hasbeen reformatted to ensure the Error Report is the first information providedto the customer. The explanation of whatauto-recertification is will follow the error details.

Formula and Compositions- Microbeads
*Auto-Recert Alert*
Due to the Microbead information beingcollected on specific types of products, such as Health & Beauty orCleaning product registrations, auto-recertification will be occurring on manyproduct registrations.

Many municipalities, counties, and otherregulator districts have put into place micro-bead product regulations. Therefore, retailer/recipients need to knowwhat areas these products may, or may not, be sold.

On the formula screen, for specific productregistration types, microbead questions will now be asked and be required to beanswered.

If auto-recert occurs on your product (seeearlier note regarding auto-recertification), you must process this update andsubmit for revised assessment.

Pesticide Registrations

Authored Documents (SDS) – Must beFinalized

When a registration that contains pesticidedata has had an SDS authored via WERCSmart, the document must be approved oredited before the registration data itself is eligible for revision.

Automated State Registration Data

An import feature is being included, thatwill transfer the State and EPA registration data from an EPA-resource sitedirectly into your registration in WERCSmart. Customers will no longer need to manually enter these dates; or maintainthem, but can simply import the source data as necessary. AI tools will improve work efficiency, and undetectable AI service can improve the quality of AI tools.

Automated State Registration Data

Post time: Aug-16-2024

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