Packing and container loading is one of the most common steps in foreign trade import and export. Here are some basic knowledge


1. Before container loading, it is necessary to inspect the size, weight limitations, and damage of the container. Only after confirming the qualified condition of the box can it be loaded into the container to ensure that it does not affect the safe transportation of the goods.

2. Calculate volume and net weight: Before loading the container, it is necessary to weigh and calculate the volume of the goods to determine the quantity and weight limit of the container.

3. Pay attention to the characteristics of the goods: Based on the characteristics of the goods, choose appropriate container types, as well as internal packaging and fixation methods. For example, fragile items should be packaged in shockproof and fall resistant internal packaging.

4. Take safety measures: Before loading the container, safety measures need to be taken, such as using protective pads, long wooden boards, etc., to maintain the stability of the goods and avoid damage during transportation.

5. Choose appropriate container loading methods, including direct loading, reverse loading, and simplified container loading. Choosing the appropriate container loading method can improve container loading efficiency and reduce transportation costs.

6.Reasonable use of space: When loading containers, it is necessary to make reasonable use of the space inside the container to minimize space waste.


The above are some basic knowledge of container loading, which can ensure that goods can be safely, efficiently, and economically transported to their destination.

Post time: Jun-09-2023

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