Professional sportswear – track and field clothing quality requirements (appearance quality and judgment)


01 Appearance quality requirements

The appearance quality of track and field sports services mainly includes surface defects, size deviations, size differences and sewing requirements.


Surface defects - color difference

1. Premium products: The same fabrics are greater than 4-5 grades, and the main and auxiliary materials are greater than 4 grades;

2. First-class products: The same fabrics are greater than 4 grades, and the main and auxiliary materials are greater than 3-4 grades;

3. Qualified products: The same fabrics are greater than level 3-4, and the main and auxiliary materials are greater than level 3.

Surface defects - texture distortion, oil stains, etc.

Defect name  Premium products First-class products Qualified products
Texture skew (striped products)/% ≤3.0 ≤4.0 ≤5.0
Oil stains, water stains, aurora, creases, stains, should not Main parts:

should not be present;

Other parts:

slightly allowed

slightly allowed
Roving, colored yarn, warp stripes, transverse crotch 1 needle in 2 places on each side, but it should not be continuous, and the needle should not fall off more than 1cm
The needle is off the bottom edge Main parts are less than 0.2cm, other parts are less than 0.4cm
Open line twists and turns should not slightly allowed Obviously allowed, obviously not allowed
Uneven sewing and skewed collar There should be no chain stitches;

other stitches should not be continuous

in 1 stitch or 2 places.

Chain stitches should not be present; other stitches should be 1 stitch in 3 places or 2 stitches in 1 place
Skip stitch should not
Note 1: The main part refers to the upper two-thirds of the front part of the jacket (including the exposed part of the collar). There is no main part in pants;

Note 2: Slight means that it is not obvious intuitively and can only be seen through careful identification; obvious means that it does not affect the overall effect, but the existence of defects can be felt; significant means that it obviously affects the overall effect;Note 3: Chain stitch refers to "Series 100-Chain stitch" in GB/T24118-2009.

Specification size deviation

The size deviation of the specifications is as follows, in centimeters:

category  Premium products First-class products Qualified products
Longitudinal direction

(shirt length, sleeve length, pants length)

≥60 ±1.0 ±2.0 ±2.5
  60 ±1.0 ±1.5 ±2.0
Width direction (bust, waist) ±1.0 ±1.5 ±2.0

Differences in size of symmetrical parts

The size differences of the symmetrical parts are as follows, in centimeters:

category  Premium products First-class products Qualified products
≤5 ≤0.3 ≤0.4 ≤0.5
5~30 ≤0.6 ≤0.8 ≤1.0
30 ≤0.8 ≤1.0 ≤1.2

sewing requirements

Sewing lines should be straight, flat and firm;

The upper and lower threads should be appropriately tight. The shoulder joints, crotch joints, and seam edges should be reinforced;

When sewing products, sewing threads with strong strength and shrinkage suitable for the fabric should be used (except for decorative threads);

All parts of the ironing should be flat and neat, without yellowing, water stains, shine, etc.

02 Sampling rules and judgment


Sampling rules
Determination of sampling quantity: Appearance quality shall be randomly sampled 1% to 3% according to batch variety and color, but shall not be less than 20 pieces.

Determination of appearance quality
Appearance quality is calculated according to variety and color, and the non-conformity rate is calculated. If the rate of non-conforming products is 5% or less, the batch of products will be judged to be qualified; if the rate of non-conforming products is more than 5%, the batch of products will be judged to be unqualified.

Finished product measurement parts and measurement requirements

The measurement parts of the top are shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of measuring parts of tops


See Figure 2 for the measurement location of the pants:

Figure 2: Schematic diagram of pants measurement parts


The requirements for garment measurement areas are as follows:

category parts Measurement requirements



clothes length Measure vertically from the top of the shoulder to the bottom edge, or measure vertically from the center of the back collar to the bottom edge
  chest circumference  Measure horizontally 2cm downward from the lowest point of the armhole seam (calculated around)
  Sleeve Length For flat sleeves, measure from the intersection of the shoulder seam and armhole seam to the edge of the cuff; for raglan style, measure from the middle of the back collar to the edge of the cuff.
Pants pants length Measure from the waistline along the side seam of the pants to the hem of the ankle
  waistline  Midway width of waist (calculated around)
  crotch Measure from the bottom of the crotch to the side of the pants in a direction perpendicular to the length of the pants

Post time: May-23-2024

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