Recall | Recent recall cases of electronic and electrical products

In recent years, countries around the world have established increasingly strict laws, regulations, and enforcement measures for the safety and environmental protection characteristics of electronic and electrical products. Wanjie Testing has released recent product recall cases in overseas markets, helping you understand relevant recall cases in this industry, avoiding costly recalls as much as possible, and helping domestic enterprises break the barriers of international market access. This issue involves 5 cases of electronic and electrical products being recalled in the Australian market. It involves safety issues such as fire, health, and electric shock.

01 Table lamp

Notification Country: Australia Risk Details: Possible overheating of USB connection points. If the USB connection point overheats or melts, there is a risk of fire, which may lead to death, injury, or property damage. Measures: Consumers should immediately unplug the cables and remove the magnetic connectors, and dispose of these two parts using the correct methods, such as electronic waste recycling. Consumers can contact the manufacturer for a refund.

Recent recall cases of electronic and electrical products1

02 Micro USB charging cable

Notification Country: Australia Risk Details: The plug may overheat during use, resulting in sparks, smoke, or fire from the plug. This product may cause a fire, causing serious injury and property damage to users and other residents. Measures: Relevant departments recycle and refund products

Recent recall cases of electronic and electrical products2

03 Dual motor electric scooter

Notification Country: Australia Risk Details: The hinge bolt of the folding mechanism may fail, affecting steering and handlebars. The handlebars may also partially detach from the deck. If the bolt fails, it will increase the risk of falling or accidents, leading to serious injury or death.

Measures: Consumers should immediately stop riding the scooter and contact the manufacturer to arrange free maintenance.

Recent recall cases of electronic and electrical products304 Wall mounted charger for electric vehicles

Notification country: Australia Risk details: This product does not comply with Australian Electrical safety standards. The charging socket version does not meet the certification and labeling requirements, and the product is not certified for use in Australia. There is a risk of electric shock or fire, causing serious injury or death. Measures: Affected consumers will receive replacement devices that meet applicable safety standards. The car manufacturer will organize licensed electricians to remove non compliant devices and install replacement chargers for free.

Recent recall cases of electronic and electrical products405 Solar inverter

Notification country: Australia Risk details: The connectors installed on the inverter are of different types and manufacturers, which does not comply with Electrical safety standards. Incompatible connectors may overheat or melt. If the connector overheats or melts, it may cause the connector to catch fire, which may lead to personal injury and property damage. Action: Consumers should check the product’s serial number and turn off the inverter. The manufacturer will contact consumers to arrange on-site free maintenance of the inverter.

Recent recall cases of electronic and electrical products5

Post time: Apr-19-2023

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