Several detection methods for the quality of LCD screens


1. Observe the display effect. With the power and signal cables connected, observe the display effect of the LCD screen. If the screen cannot be displayed, has colored lines, is white, or has other blurry effects, it means there is a problem with the display.

2. Observe the backlight. With the power and signal cables connected, observe whether the backlight is working properly. You can observe the LCD screen in a dark environment. If the backlight does not light up at all, it means that the display backlight (lamp tube) is faulty.

3. Use a display tester. Use a display tester to check whether the brightness, contrast, color saturation and other parameters of the display are normal and whether it can be displayed normally.

4.Use test charts. With the power supply and signal lines connected, use test charts (such as grayscale charts, color bar charts, etc.) to detect the brightness, color, grayscale and other effects of the LCD screen.


5. Use professional testing tools. Some professional testing tools can help test various indicators of the LCD screen and detect the panel, so as to more conveniently and quickly determine the degree of damage to the LCD screen.

Post time: Jun-03-2024

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