Social Responsibility Standard




SA8000:2014 Social Accountability 8000:2014 Standard is a set of international corporate social responsibility (CSR) management tools and verification standards. Once this verification is obtained, it can be proved to customers around the world that the enterprise has completed the improvement of labor working environment, reasonable labor conditions and protection of labor's basic human rights.

SA 8000: Who made 2014?

In 1997, the Council on Economic Priorities Accreditation Agency (CEPAA), headquartered in the United States, invited European and American multinationals, such as Body shop, Avon, Reebok, and representatives of other associations, human rights and children's rights organizations, academic institutions, retail industry, manufacturers, contractors, consulting companies, accounting and certification agencies, Jointly launched a set of international social responsibility certification standards to protect labor rights and interests, namely SA8000 social responsibility management system. A set of unprecedented systematic labor management standards was born. Social Accountability International (SAI), which is restructured from CEPAA, is continuously committed to promoting and evaluating the social responsibility performance of global enterprises.

SA8000 audit cycle update

After September 30, 2022, SA8000 audit will be adopted by all companies once a year. Before that, 6 months after the first validation was the first annual review; 12 months after the first annual review is the second annual review, and 12 months after the second annual review is the certificate renewal (the validity period of the certificate is also 3 years).

SAI new annual plan of SA8000 official organization

SAI, the formulation unit of SA8000, officially launched the "SA80000 Audit Report&Data Collection Tool" in 2020 to ensure that the supply chain cooperating with the implementation of SA8000 around the world can be updated in a more real-time manner and obtain relevant information.

How to apply for approval?

STEP: 1 Read the provisions of SA8000 standard and establish a social responsibility management system STEP: 2 Complete the self-assessment questionnaire STEP on The Social Fingerprint platform STEP: 3 Apply to the certification authority STEP: 4 Accept the verification STEP: 5 Lack of improvement STEP: 6 Obtain the certification STEP: 7 PDCA cycle of operation, maintenance and supervision

SA 8000: 2014 new standard outline

SA 8000: 2014 Social Accountability Management System (SA8000: 2014) is formulated by the Social Accountability International (SAI), headquartered in New York, the United States, and includes 9 main contents.

Child Labor prohibits the employment of out-of-school child labor and restricts the use of juvenile labor.

Forced and Compulsory Labor prohibits forced and compulsory labor. Employees shall not be required to pay a deposit at the beginning of employment.

Health and Safety provides a safe and healthy workplace to prevent potential work safety accidents. It also provides basic safe and sanitary conditions for the working environment, facilities for preventing occupational disasters or injuries, sanitary facilities and clean drinking water.

Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining.

Discrimination The company shall not discriminate against employees in terms of employment, remuneration, training, promotion and retirement due to race, social class, nationality, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, trade union membership or political affiliation; The company cannot allow forced, abusive or exploitative sexual harassment, including posture, language and physical contact.

Disciplinary Practices The company shall not engage in or support corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion and verbal insult.

Working Hours The company cannot often require employees to work more than 48 hours a week, and should have at least one day off every 6 days. The weekly overtime shall not exceed 12 hours.

Remuneration The salary paid by Remuneration Company to employees should not be lower than the minimum standard of law or industry, and must be sufficient to meet the basic needs of employees. The deduction of wages cannot be punitive; We should ensure that we do not adopt contractual arrangements of pure labor nature or false apprenticeship system to avoid the obligations to employees stipulated by relevant laws.

The management system can effectively and continuously operate the social responsibility management by adding risk management and corrective and preventive actions through the system management concept.

Post time: Feb-27-2023

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