South American market analysis foreign trade articles

1. Languages in South America

The official language of South Americans is not English

Brazil: Portuguese

French Guiana: French

Suriname: Dutch

Guyana: English

Rest of South America: Spanish

The primitive tribes of South America spoke indigenous languages

South Americans can speak English at the same level as China. Most of them are young people under the age of 35. South Americans are very casual. When chatting with chat tools, there will be many misspelled words and poor grammar, but it is better to chat with South Americans by typing than on the phone, because South Americans generally speak Latin-like English due to the influence of their mother tongue.

Of course, although most of us do not understand Spanish and Portuguese, it is necessary to send emails to customers in these two languages, especially when sending open letters, the probability of getting a reply is much higher than that in English.

2, The personality characteristics of South Americans

Speaking of South America, people always think of Brazil’s samba, Argentina’s tango, crazy football boom. If there is one word to sum up the character of South Americans, it is “unrestrained”. But in business negotiation, this kind of “unrestrained” is really friendly and bad. “Unrestrained” makes South Americans generally inefficient in doing things, and it is common for South Americans to put pigeons. In their view, being late or missing an appointment is not a big deal. So patience is important if you want to do business with South Americans. Don’t think that if they don’t reply to the email for a few days, they will think that there is no article. In fact, it is very likely that they will hit their holidays (there are many holidays in South America, which will be broken down in detail later). When negotiating with South Americans, allow enough time for a lengthy negotiation process, while also allowing ample leeway in the initial bid. The negotiation process will be long and difficult because South Americans are generally good at bargaining and we need to be patient. South Americans are not as rigid as some Europeans and are willing to make friends with you and chat about things other than business. So knowing the culture of South America, knowing a little bit of percussion, dance and football will help you a lot when working with South Americans.

3. Brazil and Chile (my country’s two largest trading partners in South America)

When it comes to the South American market, you will definitely think of Brazil first. As the largest country in South America, Brazil’s product demand is indeed second to none. However, a large demand does not mean a large import volume. Brazil has a strong industrial base and a sound industrial structure. That is to say, products made in China can also be produced in Brazil, so the industrial complementarity between China and Brazil is not very large. But in recent years, we should focus on Brazil, because the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games were held in Brazil. In a short period of time, Brazil still has great demand for hotel supplies, security products and textile products. of. In addition to Brazil, Chile is another friendly partner of China in South America. It has a small land area and a long and narrow coastline, creating a Chile that is relatively scarce in resources but has extremely developed port trade. Chile has fewer imports, mainly small businesses and even family businesses, but as long as it has been registered locally for more than one year, there will definitely be relevant information in the yellow pages


4. Payment credit

Generally speaking, the payment reputation in the South American market is still good, but it is a little delayed (a common problem for South Americans). Most importers prefer L/C, and they can also do T/T after they are familiar with it. Now, with the development of e-commerce, online Paying with PayPal has also become popular in South America. Be mentally prepared when making a letter of credit delivery. The South American market often has many L/C clauses, usually 2-4 pages. And sometimes the notices given are in Spanish. So don’t pay attention to their requirements, you just need to list the items that you think are unreasonable and notify the other party to modify it.

The most reputable banks in South America are:

1) Brazil Bradesco Bank

2) HSBC Brazil

3) HSBC Argentina


4) Santander Bank Argentina Branch

5) Santander Bank Peru Branch

6) Santander Bank Brazil Branch

7) Santander Chile Private Bank

8) Santander Bank Chile Branch

9) Santander Bank Uruguay Branch

5. South American market risk rating

The market risk in Chile and Brazil is low, while countries such as Argentina and Venezuela have high trade risk.

6. Business etiquette that the South American market should pay attention to

Brazilian etiquette and customs taboos. From the perspective of national character, Brazilians have two main characteristics in dealing with others. On the one hand, Brazilians like to go straight and say what they want. Brazilians usually use hugs or kisses as meeting etiquette in social situations. Only at very formal events did they shake hands with each other as a salute. On formal occasions, Brazilians dress very well. They not only pay attention to dress neatly, but also advocate that people should dress differently on different occasions. In important government affairs and business activities, Brazilians advocate that suits or suits must be worn. In general public places, men should at least wear short shirts and long trousers, and women should preferably wear long skirts with high tie sleeves. Brazilians usually eat mainly European-style Western food. Because of the developed animal husbandry, the proportion of meat in the food eaten by Brazilians is relatively large. In the staple food of Brazilians, the Brazilian specialty black beans have a place. Brazilians like to drink coffee, black tea and wine. Good topics to talk about: football, jokes, funny articles, etc. Special Note: When dealing with Brazilians, it is not advisable to give them handkerchiefs or knives. The “OK” gesture used by the British and Americans is considered very obscene in Brazil.

The customs and etiquette of the Chilean country Chileans eat up to 4 times a day. For breakfast, they drank coffee and ate toast, based on the principle of simplicity. Around 1:00 pm, it’s lunch at noon, and the quantity is good. At 4 pm, drink coffee and eat a few slices of toast. At 9 p.m., have a formal evening meal. When you go to Chile, it is natural to “do as the locals do”, and you can eat 4 meals a day. In terms of business, it is advisable to wear conservative suits at any time, and appointments must be made in advance for public and private visits. It is best to hold business cards in English, Spanish and Chinese. Local business cards can be printed in English and Spanish, and they will be picked up within two days. Sales-related texts are best written in Spanish. The posture should be low and modest, and do not be domineering. San Diego businessmen are very sensitive about this. Many local businessmen are fluent in English and German. Chilean businessmen are often amused by foreigners who visit Chile for the first time, because these foreigners often think that Chile is also a tropical, humid, jungle-covered South American country. In fact, Chile’s landscape is similar to Europe. Therefore, it is not wrong for you to pay attention to the European way of everything. Chileans attach great importance to the greeting etiquette when they meet. When they meet foreign guests for the first time, they usually shake hands and greet familiar friends, and they also warmly hug and kiss. Some elderly people are also used to raising their hands or taking off their hats when they meet. The most commonly used titles of Chileans are Mr. and Mrs. or Mrs., and unmarried young men and women are called Master and Miss respectively. In formal occasions, an administrative title or academic title should be added before the salutation. Chileans are invited to a banquet or dance and always bring a little gift. People have the habit of giving priority to women, and young people always give up convenience to the elderly, women and children in public places. The taboos in Chile are almost the same as in the West. Chileans also consider the number five to be unlucky.

Argentine etiquette and customs taboo Argentines in their daily interactions with etiquette is generally consistent with other countries in Europe and America, and is most influenced by Spain. Most Argentines believe in Catholicism, so some religious rituals are often seen in the daily life of Argentines. In communication, a handshake is commonly used. When meeting with a partner, Argentines believe that the number of handshakes with each other is easy. In social situations, Argentines can generally be referred to as “Mr.”, “Miss” or “Mrs.”. Argentines generally like to eat European-style western food, with beef, sheep and pork as their favorite food. Popular beverages include black tea, coffee and wine. There is a drink called “Mate Tea”, the most characteristic of Argentina. When Argentine football and other sports, cooking skills, home furnishings, etc. are appropriate topics to talk about, small gifts can be given when visiting Argentines. But it is not appropriate to send chrysanthemums, handkerchiefs, ties, shirts, etc.

Colombian Etiquette Colombians love flowers, and the capital of Santa Fe, Bogota, is even more obsessed with flowers. Flowers dress up this big city known as “Athens of South America” ​​like a big garden. Colombians are serene, unhurried, and like to take things slowly. Asking the locals to cook a meal often takes an hour. When they summon people, a popular gesture is palm down, fingers swaying with the whole hand. If you are lucky, use your index finger and little finger to make a horn shape. When Colombians meet their guests, they often shake hands. When men meet or leave, they are used to shaking hands with everyone present. When Indians in the mountains of Cauca Province of Colombia meet with their guests, they never push their children aside, in order to let them gain insight and learn how to get along with outsiders from a young age. The best time to do business in Colombia is from March to November each year. Business cards can be printed in Chinese and Spanish. Product sales instructions must also be printed in Spanish for comparison. Colombian businessmen work at a slower pace, but have strong self-esteem. Therefore, be patient in business activities, and the best time to give gifts is a relaxed social occasion after business negotiations. The vast majority of Colombians believe in Catholicism, and a few believe in Christianity. The locals are most taboo on 13th and Friday, and do not like purple.


7. Holidays in South America

Brazilian holidays

January 1 New Year’s Day

March 3 Carnival

March 4th Carnival

March 5th Carnival (before 14:00)

April 18 Crucifixion Day

April 21 Independence Day

May 1 International Labour Day

June 19 Eucharist

September 7 Brazil Independence Day

October 28 Civil servants and businessmen’s day

December 24 Christmas Eve (after 14:00)

December 25 Christmas

December 31st New Year’s Eve (after 14:00)

Chilean holidays

January 1 New Year’s Day

March 21 Easter

May 1 Labor Day

May 21st Navy Day

July 16 Saint Carmen Day

August 15 Assumption of Our Lady

September 18 National Day

September 19 Army Day

December 8th day of the conception of the Virgin Mary

December 25 Christmas

Holidays in Argentina

January 1 New Years

March-April Friday (variable) Good Friday

April 2 Falklands War Soldiers Day

May 1 Labor Day

May 25 Revolutionary Day

June 20 Flag Day

July 9th Independence Day

August 17 San martin Memorial Day (Founding Fathers)

October 12 Discovery of the New World Day (Columbus Day)

8th December Feast of the Immaculate Conception

December 25 Christmas Day

Columbia festival

January 1 New Years

May 1 International Labour Day

July 20 Independence (National Day) Day

August 7 Memorial Day of the Battle of Boyaka

December 8 Immaculate Conception Day

December 25 Christmas

8. Four South American Yellow Pages

Argentina: (Spanish)


Chile: (Spanish) (Spanish)

Colombia: (Spanish)

9. References to some of the best-selling products in South America

(1) Electromechanical

The voltage and frequency in Chile are the same as those in China, so Chinese motors can be used directly in Chile.

(2) Furniture, textiles and hardware

Furniture, hardware and textiles have considerable markets in Chile. Hardware and textiles are almost all Chinese. The furniture market has greater potential. There are two large furniture sales centers in San Diego, and Franklin is the largest of them. As for the grades, the daily necessities sold to Chile belong to the domestic second- and third-rate products, with average quality, and they have been monopolizing the market because of the dominant price. But I often hear Chileans scolding the quality of Chinese products. In fact, some domestic products are of good quality, but Chile’s consumption level is limited. If you buy first-class products, the price is generally increased by 50%-100%. Basically, no one in Chile can afford them. If you want to export furniture, it is better to move the processing factory to Chile. There are many log processing plants in southern Chile, and ammunition is abundant. directly digested locally. If it is exported directly, the shipping cost is high, and moisture and corrosion resistance are also problems.

(3) Fitness equipment

Many apartments in Chile are equipped with fitness centers, and gyms are also popular in Chile. So it should be said that there is a certain market. Nonetheless, the Chilean country has a small population and limited spending power. It is recommended that friends who do fitness equipment can use Brazil as an entry point. Because many industrial products flow from Brazil to the whole of South America.

(4) Automobiles and auto parts

The South American auto market is the fourth largest in the world after North America, Asia and Europe. If Chinese auto manufacturers want to successfully enter the Brazilian market, they will face practical difficulties such as the early market competitive advantages of old auto companies in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, complex local laws and regulations, and strict safety and environmental protection requirements.

There are more than 460 various types of auto parts companies in Brazil. Most of the Brazilian auto and parts companies are mainly concentrated in the Sao Paulo region and the triangle between Sao Paulo, Minas and Rio de Janeiro. Rodobens is the largest car sales and service group in Brazil; with a history of more than 50 years, it has more than 70 distributors in Brazil, Argentina and other regions, mainly dealing with Toyota, GM, Ford, Volkswagen and many other international brands of passenger cars and its accessories; in addition, Rodobens is the largest distributor of Michelin in Brazil. Although Brazil produces 2 million cars a year, the local supplier base is still quite weak and incomplete, and the parts required by original manufacturers may not be available in Brazil, causing them to import parts such as die-casting, brakes and tires from other countries

Post time: Aug-31-2022

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